Private detective (detective agency "Russia" more than eight years successfully render services of the private detective: private investigation, search, supervision, search without a message of the gone people, criminals, machines, addresses, phones. Search on a surname, by phone. Check of premises for illegal gathering the information. Our detective agency gives a wide spectrum detective services within the limits of "the Law on private detective and security activity". Wide experience of work in operative and analytical departments of special services Saint-Petersburg and Russia allows us to defend your interests effectively.
We have all opportunities to solve the most serious and delicate problems of our clients.
You will give professional help of the experts having deserved reputation of colleagues and partners.
Historic facts of occurrence of private detectives
The First private detective agency has opened in 1850. It was Alan Pinkertona's well-known Agency. Its motto was " We never we sleep! " In Russia the firms, engaged private investigation, have appeared much later.
In 1910 in the Ministry of Internal Affairs some petitions for the sanction to base private detective agency have acted. Authorities have answered with flat refusal. In 1922 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared and has directed in Sovnarkom two projects of decrees about a private search bureau and private protection. But also they have not been realized. As a result the first detective agencies have started to be created only in 1987 when there were laws "About cooperation", "About joint-stock companies".
Now private detective activity in Russia is based on the law" About private detective and security activity in the Russian Federation ", accepted on March, 11th, 1992. Since then detectives and private detective agencies in Russia constantly increase the number.