Private detective(detective agency "Russia" more than eight years successfully render services of the private detective: private investigation, search, supervision, search without a message of the gone people, criminals, machines, addresses, phones. Search on a surname, by phone. Check of premises for illegal gathering the information. Our detective agency gives a wide spectrum detective services within the limits of "the Law on private detective and security activity". Wide experience of work in operative and analytical departments of special services Saint-Petersburg and Russia allows us to defend your interests effectively.
We have all opportunities to solve the most serious and delicate problems of our clients.
You will give professional help of the experts having deserved reputation of colleagues and partners.
- 10 years of service in operative and analytical departments of special services of Russia
- Work as the private detective since 1997
- Wide experience on search of people, gathering of the information
- More than 50 successfully opened affairs
- Cooperation with 5-th the largest insurance companies
- Interaction with power structures of Russia and foreign countries
- Representation to California, the USA