Detective agency
competence, reliability, confidentiality. tel.: +79313920888
Private detective

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Services of the private detective in Saint-Petersburg and in Russia

Main page
About private detective
Services of the private detective
Contacts the private detective

Safety of the enterprise. Economic, information safety of the enterprise.

If you suspect, that against your enterprise the latent counteraction (economic, information attack on safety) is conducted or there is an outflow of the classified information - address to us and we shall help you to estimate a situation and to lead a complex of actions on revealing possible dangers, counteraction to economic espionage and maintenance of complex safety of the enterprise.

Safety of the enterprise. Economic, information safety of the enterprise.

How to begin work? Contact us for free-of-charge and noncommittal consultation concerning to your concrete situation. Together we shall develop strategy for achievement of your purposes

Call Saint-Petersburg: +7 (931) 392-08-88
Or send e-mail to the address of:

Rus Rus Italy It France Fr

Contact a detective
About the private detective
Rules of the private detective
Private detective in Russian

The license DG 01 93 в„–95 Municipal Departments of Internal Affairs of SPb and L.O.

Private detective

+7 (931) 392-08-88

Main page | About private detective | Services of the private detective | Contacts