Our detective agency gives a full spectrum of services on the organization of private investigation: secret investigation, criminal investigation.
History of origin of private investigation
On taken place in 1913 in Switzerland the International congress of criminalists Russian detective police in a nomination " raskryvaemost crimes " has been recognized by the best in the world. And it is no wonder: headed investigation of Russian empire " the most important detective of Russia ", " Russian SHerlok Oieic " Arcady Frantsevich Koshko. Arcady Frantsevich in 1867 in rich and notable nobiliary family which lived near Minsk was born. Those years the improbable quantity of the detective literature which reading grasped the boy was published, developed its mind and logic thinking. Having ended, as well as many young men of a nobiliary origin, military school, young junker has received purpose for passage of the further service to the shelfs, billeted in Simbirsk. But the military service did not involve the inquisitive young man, and it has submitted to resignation. In 1894 A.F.Koshko has acted the ordinary inspector in the Riga police and at once has received fine recommendations. It quickly grew on service, was repeatedly awarded. For high raskryvaemosti crimes the young formed and ambitious detective showed not only personal boldness, but also safely put into practice methods known to the European criminalistics. Later six years of A.F.Koshko - the chief of police of Riga, in five years it have been appointed by the deputy chief of the Petersburg detective police. In 1908 becomes the chief of detective police of Moscow. At this time Arcady Frantsevich has developed and for the first time has applied in criminalistics new system which subsequently has been accepted Skotlend jardom. Work in the Moscow investigation has brought Koshko not only a recognition, but also glory, both awards, and following increase - a management of all investigation of Russian empire. But on its share the heavy old age has dropped out - A.F.Koshko's outstanding career was interrupted with revolution of 1917. After long mytarstv and wanderings the disgraced general has been compelled to run from Russia. Other output at it was not: Almost all last imperial Ministers of Internal Affairs and ministers of provisional government have been shot under order VCHK, even their tombs does not remain. Englishmen, remembering successes Koshko in detective activity, have suggested it to head a research department. But the Russian detective has appeared in Paris where has died in 1928. " Torn off from the native land, having lost many relatives, having lost means, I... Has come to be in Paris where has begun to pull greyish, aimless and to anybody now a unnecessary life. I do not live neither the present, nor future - all in the past, and only memory of it supports me and gives some moral satisfaction.... Often now, the charter for the day of work exhausted by a crush in the underground, deafened by a roar in one thousand automobile hooters, I, vozvratjas home, take seat in the late, deep armchair, and with an approaching twilight in my imagination images past " start to revive, - wrote Koshko in the foreword to the book about affairs which have passed before it for a long service practice.